Oh Lord, won’t you buy me

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a 16inch Dob
with a pinpoint image – that would be top !
Send clear skies along and I’ll find a new Hale-Bopp
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a 16inch Dob.

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me an eyepiece from Meade
about 5 Millimeters – that’s what I need !
And think about the weather which is very bad, indeed.
Oh Lord, won’t you buy my an eyepiece from Meade !

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night without town.
I’m counting on you Lord, please don’t let me down !
Shut down the lights ’cause all the stars are drown(ed)
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night without town.

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me an 8inch starfire.
A beautiful refractor is what I admire.
I’ll go and watch planets – that’s my desire
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me an 8inch starfire.

Oh Lord, won’t you give me a night on the hill
f s t mag seven would fill the bill
seeing 0 point 3 – oh what a thrill
Oh Lord, won’t you give me a night on the hill


These are the alternative lyrics for Janis Joplins famous “Oh Lord…”.
I’ve begun working on that quite early in 1996 – but I forgot about it until
January 2000 (!). For obvious reasons I built an 16inch dob by myself more than years ago and didn’t rely on prayers. Likewise, I managed to obtain a beautiful refractor, although much smaller than stated in the lyrics.

Please note:
I have no endorser contract with Meade or Starfire. I mention these brands just because their names work wonderfully. At least much better than Pentax, Celestron, TeleVue or so ….

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2 Antworten zu Oh Lord, won’t you buy me

  1. LB sagt:

    Haha. Great post! Hope you are doing well! 🙂

  2. Frank sagt:

    Thanks a lot LB 🙂 I love playing this song, it is always great fun.

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